Residential Security Patrol

Shield Protective Services Patrol Vehicle

The safety of your family, residence, and valuables are of the utmost importance. We at Shield Protective Services are a family owned business, so you can be assured our dedicated team feels the same way. We will protect your home as if it was our own!

Our uniformed, highly-trained security officers are available to monitor your property on foot or in a Shield Protective Services patrol car. Your residence will be inspected adhering to a customized schedule based on your specific security needs and desires. The latest in security checkpoints are also offered allowing for timely check-in's by our security officers with comprehensive reporting available daily or monthly.

Do you own a vacation property or a second home? Shield Protective Services can provide critical monitoring for these locations while you are away. Our timely security patrols not only deter break-ins and intrusions, but also offer peace of mind checks for costly vandalism, damage from storms, or suspicious activity of any kind.

Let our family of security professionals protect your family's assets – contact Shield Protective Services today!